Fiscal Year End Orders for GMW – Non-Destructive Particle Beam Diagnostics
About this time of year, GMW starts to get inquiries from customers about products being delivered and invoiced before the end of the September 30 fiscal year. Instrumentation from Bergoz for Non-Destructive Particle Beam Diagnostics has up to a 90 day lead time.
- Newest from Bergoz Instrumentation is the CWCT and BCM-CW for measurement of the average current of CW or macropulse beams up to 500MHz RF with resolution <1uA and dc to 100kHz output bandwidth independent of bunch shape/width. The CWCT is ideally suited to sub-relativistic proton/ion beams, to measure loss along the accelerating path.
- Other Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation includes a variety of fast and integrating CTs for Current and Charge monitoring, Beam Position Monitors and Beam Loss Monitors.
Our new website enables accurate self-estimating tools, which can then be submitted for formal quotation. However, please feel free to reach out for any sales or technical support required.