GMW is Exhibiting at ISMRM, May 12-16th, Montreal
GMW is at Exhibiting at Booth 603 of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Montreal, Canada.
The exhibition begins Sunday evening at 6:30 with the opening reception and continues all day Monday through Thursday. At ISMRM we will be featuring:
The Metrolab PT2026 NMR Teslameter and MFC2046 Magnetic Field Shim Camera now operates from common electronics, allowing single probe field measurements for field tracking such as decay measurements or Probe Array mapping with up to 288 points. An operating Teslameter will be on the booth for demonstration.
- Metrolab THM1176/TFM1186 high resolution Three-Axis Fluxgate and Hall effect Field Probes with USB Interface and LabVIEW software for field mapping and monitoring from +/- 0.1mT (1G) to 20T full-scale. The MV2 3-axis Hall-Effect Chip can be used to develop arrays for fast mapping of non-uniform fields with a high density of points.
- Bartington Three-Axis Fluxgate Field Sensors and Data Acquisition Systems with full-scale field ranges to 1mT and frequency response from dc to 12kHz for site magnetic and vibration surveys and active field compensation. The Spectramag-6 features a 24-Bit ADC and USB output with inputs for fluxgate field sensors and accelerometers for comprehensive site surveys. Measurement display in time and frequency domains is provided.
- DaniSense stand-alone Fluxgate Current Transducers for electrically isolated electric current measurement from +/-50A to +/-3000A peak with very low noise, high dc stability and frequency response from dc to over 500kHz. These Transducers are applicable to control of dc magnet power supplies and fast ramping gradient amplifiers.
- Magnelab & Bergoz passive Current Transformers with frequency response to over 1GHz and sensitivity to as high as 10V/A.
- HTS-110 Current Leads rated from 150A to 2kA with low electrical loss and heat leak for superconducting electromagnets.
Brian Richter will be there with Jacques Tinembart and Antoine Daridon from Metrolab Technologies.