GMW is exhibiting at the joint MMM/Intermag Conference in New Orleans Jan. 13-17, 2025
We’ll at Booth 14 during the 16th Joint Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and Intermag in New Orleans, LA January 13-17, 2025.
In 2023 GMW introduced the new Model 3460 Very Compact (<10kg) Dipole Electromagnet suitable for table-top experimentation with fields to 1.5T at 1cm gap. The magnet will be on GMWs stand to view and discuss.
Continuing developments from GMW and partners include:
- Benchtop High Uniformity Electromagnets. These Magnet Systems are designed and manufactured to optimize the uniform field volume at a specified field and gap, for improved Spectroscopy and imaging performance, particularly with smaller Electromagnets and Power Supplies.
- Senis 3MH1/3MH4/3MH6-E 3-axis Digital Teslameters with smallest available Field Sensitive Volume (FSV) on the market for accurate Bx, By, Bz and Btotal measurement in a single point, also critical for high-gradient magnetic fields, with accuracy as low as 0.01% / 1μT resolution (3HM6-E High Precision) to 2%/50μT (3MH1 hand-held).
- New release from Metrolab – Three-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176-plus. It retains the same sensors and form factor as the THM1176, but offers a faster data acquisition rate of up to 8 kHz in continuous mode with improved accuracy of 0.5% up to 1.5T.
- K3A Cryogenic 3-axis Magnetic Field Transducer from Senis. The K3A cryogenic transducer is a low-noise, 3-axis transducer for measurements down to 1K, with full-scale calibrated magnetic field ranges of 2T, 5T and 9T available, and bandwidth from DC to 1kHz.