Metrolab Technology to exhibit at Magnet Technology, September 22-27, Vancouver, Canada
The 26th International Conference on Magnet Technology is being hosted by TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada from September 22-27.
Metrolab Technology SA, the world leader in precision NMR magnetometers, will be at Booth 207 in the Industrial Exhibition. Philip Keller and Antoine Daridon will be available throughout the exhibition for discussion of magnetic field measurement instrumentation, including:
- PT2026 NMR Precision Teslameters: Total field measurements 0.038T to over 20T, with precision <10 ppb;
- MFC2046 Magnetic Field Cameras: NMR sensor array for fast, whole-body MRI magnet mapping to better than 5 ppm absolute accuracy and better than 0.1 ppm relative accuracy;
- THM1176/TFM1186 3-axis Hall Magnetometers: Digital USB 3-axis Magnetic Field Probes with ranges from 100uT to 20T; and
- FDI2046 Fast Digital Integrators: High speed voltage integrator with up to 500,000 partial integrals per second. Combined with an appropriate flux coil, it makes a fast, sensitive magnetometer for time varying fields.
If you will be at MT26 in Vancouver, please visit Philip and Antoine for any questions or discussions you need.