GMW is Exhibiting at the Applied Power Electronics Conference with PEM and Danisense

We will be exhibiting at APEC in Long Beach, CA February 25-29.  Ben Hartzell, Filippos Toufexis, PhD and Viki Beatty will be at GMW Booth 834. From Power Electronic Measurements (PEM), Chris Hewson will be at their joined, adjacent Booth 836 for discussions of Rogowski Coil AC Current Probes with response to 50MHz. And joining us from Danisense is Loic Moreau for discussions on precision measurements with Danisense fluxgate current transducers.

GMW will be exhibiting:

Danisense DC/AC High Precision Current Transducers, including Wide Band DW500UB-2V for measurements DC to 10MHz 

PEM Rogowski Coil AC Current Probes, including CWT HF for 30MHz measurements with coils to 300mm circumference

Bergoz IPCT High Sensitivity Current Transducers  

GMW Clip-on/Clamp-on DC/AC Current Probes

Senis 3DACMT 3-axis AC Magnetic Field Transducer for Wireless Charging Measurements

AKM Magnetic Field and Current Sensors