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Motors & Motor Drives

Motors have arguably industrial revolution and key to enormous progress. Recent innovations in electric drives with ever increasing efficiency demand ever-increasing sophistication and amount of electric current monitoring.

Efficiency Measurements for Hybrid Electric Drives

The electrification of all ways of transit has meant a new need to calculate charging requirements and translation of electric motors into distance travels prior to needing re-charging, be it via plug-in or wirelessly.

Danisense Current Transducers

Danisense Zero-Flux Current Transducers are used as ultra-precise measurement of current in power calculations. As a range extender for power analyzers, these allow for precise power measurements even for very large motors and inverters.

For leakage current measurement in test-stands for battery applications, Bergoz high sensitivity, large aperture, IPCT Current Transducers with dc to 3kHz frequency response appropriate for isolated measurement of low frequency common-mode resistive leakage currents on ac or motor drive cable assemblies.

CMC Rogowski Coil

PEM Common Mode Rogowski Coil, Clip-Around, Current Probe with frequency response from about 2kHz to 14MHz to measure capacitively coupled motor bearing currents generated by high voltage transients from variable speed motor drives.


GMW Clamp-On and Clip-On Current Probes with current ranges to 16kA and dc to 75kHz frequency response for quick diagnostic or long-term logging measurements in test systems or vehicles.

For magnetic field measurement on permanent magnet and electric motors, Senis Hall-effect probes can measure single or three-axis fields in compact spaces common in both small and large motors with precision mapping of electromagnets and permanent magnet arrays for motors, generators and actuators.