Senis NVM-01 Nanovolt Amplifier for high sensitivity measurement of magnetic flux changes

The Senis NVM-01 Nanovolt Amplifier was developed for very high resolution measurements of the magnetic flux distribution in ion and electron beam magnets by digitizing and integrating the voltage signal from a moving wire or rotating coil in the working region of the magnet. The magnetic flux in the region of interest sampled by the wire or Coil can be measured very quickly compared to point-by-point magnetic field mapping.

By using purpose shaped Coils the NVM-01 can enable the measurement of very small changes in magnetic flux in a region of interest. For example:

  • The technique of measuring the magnetic moment of a magnet by rotating it in a Helmholtz Coil and monitoring the Coil voltage can be extended to very low magnetic moments.
  • Low levels of magnetic content can be detected by moving material or items though an appropriately dimensioned measurement Coil. For “soft” magnetic materials the sensitivity can be enhanced by applying a dc bias magnetic field.
  • Fluctuations in the magnetic field near magnetically sensitive equipment or instruments can be measured with “Pick-up Coils” at the equipment or arranged in the Lab walls. The output signals can be used to correct the measured parameter or to drive active field cancellation coils
  • Geomagnetic magnetic field changes due to natural or induced changes can be measured with a Coil of dimensions and turns scaled to the anticipated rate of change in magnetic flux.
  • Low levels of magnetic field fluctuation or noise in nominally dc magnetic fields can be measured independently of the magnitude of the dc field value.

Information and pricing on the NVM-01 is at:

The Voltage Gain of the NVM-01 can be set from about 30k to 800k for input signals from +/-250uV down to +/-10uV and the frequency response can be set as dc to 10Hz or dc to 40Hz. The equivalent input noise from  0.1Hz to 10Hz is <4nVrms. The Price is $7,110 with delivery from stock  or up to 8 weeks.

If you are attending the Magnetics Conference in Orlando, FL, February 11 to 12, please stop by. GMW will have an NVM-01 operating with a small pick-up Coil on our exhibition booth.