GMW Announces 3460 Dipole Electromagnet

The smallest electromagnet that can generate 1.5T across a 1cm

GMW has developed the 3460 Dipole Electromagnet. It is the smallest electromagnet that can generate 1.5T across a 1cm gap. At 10 kg, this magnet can be integrated into any application without complex mounting requirements or lifting equipment.

The 3460 has a standard pole with finely adjustable pole gap. Custom poles are also easily designed in order to provide specific field profiles.

Key Features

  • Small and light weight at 10kg
  • Peak continuous fields up to 2.5T at 2mm gap
  • Any mounting orientation
  • Fast cycle times


  • Spin Orbit Torque measurements
  • EPR/ESR – with High Uniformity Pole Option
  • FMR – suited for maneuvering magnetic field around a static waveguide
  • MOKE or VSM


Preliminary specifications are available here.