GMW offers 1-axis, 3-axis and total field measurement instrumentation for magnetic field measurement. For Magnetic Field Mapping, see:
Magnetic Field Mapping
- Low Field Fluxgate Magnetometers – 1-axis and 3-axis Fluxgate Magnetomers and Gradiometers for fields ±0.1nT to ±2000µT
- Digital Teslameters / Gaussmeters – Hall effect – 1-axis and 3-axis Digital Teslameters for fields ±6mT to ±20T
- Digital Teslameters / Gaussmeters – NMR – Total Field NMR Probes and Arrays for fields from 38mT to 30T with <10 ppb precision at 3T.
- Analog Magnetic Field Transducers – Analog Hall effect magnetic field probes, 1-axis and 3-axis, voltage output. Fields ±20mT to ±20T and frequency response to 200kHz.
- Other Magnetic Field Measurement – Including Metrolab FDI high speed voltage integrator and Senis low-noise NanoVolt amplifier.