GMW is exhibiting at ASC in Honolulu, HI October 24-27, 2022
We’re exited to be exhibiting at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) in Honolulu, HI October 24-27, 2022. Brian Richter will be at GMW Booth 600, joined by Antoine Daridon of Metrolab. We invite you to visit our long time collaborators HTS-110 at booth 503 as well.
We will be exhibiting instrumentation for the very high accuracy measurement and mapping of magnetic fields from uT to 20T and measurement of electric current to +/-10kA, including:
Bartington Cryomag Cryogenic 3-Axis Fluxgate Magnetic Field Probe
Bartington Mag-01H with 1-Axis Mag-F Cryogenic Probe
Metrolab THM1176 USB 3-Axis Teslameter
Metrolab PT2026 NMR Teslameter
Metrolab MFC2046 NMR Magnetic Field Camera
Senis 3MH6 Precision, Low-Noise Digital Teslameter, 3-Axis
Group3 Precision Digital Teslameter, 1-Axis
HTS-110 CryoSaver Current Leads
Danisense DCCT Fluxgate Current Transducer