GMW is Exhibiting at the SAA’s Annual Meeting March 29 – April 2, 2023
We’re exhibiting at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting March 29 – April 2, 2023 in Portland, Oregon and will be showing Bartington Instruments equipment for application in geophysical prospection of shallowly buried archaeological features.
The Grad601 Gradiometer suitable for both handheld and cart-based survey provide means of rapid and precise mapping of the magnetic field gradient. The 1m separation ensures an increased depth of penetration over shorter gradiometer baselines, whilst the electronic adjustment remove the need for manual adjustments of the gradient sensor.
The MS2/MS3 Magnetic Susceptibility System is commonly used for direct measurement of soil’s magnetic susceptibility in trenches, at the surface or in auger holes. It helps determine the location of horizons of cultural importance or zone where magnetic enhancement took place.
Please visit us at booth 621 to come and discuss further your requirement.