GMW is Exhibiting at APEC in Orlando, FL March 19-23
GMW is exhibiting at the Applied Power Electronics Conference in Orlando, FL March 19-23.
Ben Hartzell will be at GMW Booth 624. From Danisense, Henrik Elbaek (CEO), Christian Markvardsen (R&D Engineer) and Dennis Roy Andersen (R&D Engineer) will be at GMW’s booth for discussions of Danisense Precision CTs. From Power Electronic Measurement (PEM), Chris Hewson (Managing Director) and Joanne Aberdeen (Director of Engineering) will be at their joined, adjacent booth for discussions of Rogowski Coil AC Current Probes with response to 50MHz.
We will be exhibiting:
Bergoz IPCT High Sensitivity Current Transducers
GMW Clip-on/Clamp-on DC/AC Current Probes
Senis 3DACMT 3-axis AC Magnetic Field Transducer for Wireless Charging Measurements