Senis 3MH1 Handheld Teslameter

The 3MH1 is an easy-to-use portable teslameter which allows users to measure all 3 components of the magnetic field. It simultaneously measures the magnetic field with a direct view of the magnetic field strength on the integrated touchscreen.

Key Features:

  • Hand-held Teslameter with Touch Screen and internal Battery
  • Displays field components Bx, By, Bz and total field B
  • Total field B measurement independent of Probe orientation (isotropic measurement)
  • Field ranges of 60mT, 400mT, 4T
  • Measures magnetic field at a “point” of 100µm x 100µm x 10µm
  • High magnetic accuracy and resolution. B accuracy +/-20uT at 0.5mT (5G)


3MH1 Handheld Teslameter

Part No.DescriptionPriceIn Stock

3-Axis Digital Teslameter, hand-held, 2%

Quantity Discount Schedule:
Quantity 1 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 19 20 +
Discount 0% 10% 15% Contact GMW

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

Prices above are for deliveries to USA, Canada, and Mexico only.
For deliveries in all other countries please contact Senis.
Prices are expressed in U.S. Dollars, FCA San Carlos, California.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
OEM discounts are available.


Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Prepayment before shipment, or Net 30 days (subject to credit acceptance).


Stock to 90 days, depending on quantity.